Friday, October 26, 2007

Cat - Cat Health Dangers When Vaccinated

Cat health is important. When we have a new pet in the house, most of us know that a full set of vaccinations is the first need for a new kitten. We ourselves receive many vaccinations as children against many diseases and illnesses.

However, some veterinarians are beginning to take a stand against the rate at which we vaccinate dog and cat species and consider vaccines dangerous to the animal's health.

In the past, felines were vaccinated against distemper and rabies. Slowly, more vaccines for cat health have been added to the list. Individuals are often afraid that if their pet doesn't receive its vaccinations, it may contract a fatal disease.

Some feline diseases can be transmitted to humans. However, it's interesting to note that the rate of disease in cats has increased over time regardless of these vaccinations. Many veterinarians are noting that our pets aren't as healthy as in times past and that the cats' lifespan is shorter.

Today, many veterinarians skilled in cat health suggest shots for distemper in felines, Chlamydia, and one to prevent an upper respiratory infection known as rhinotracheitis, to name but a few. All of these vaccines are repeated year after year for the lifespan of your cat. Are our cats getting too much of what we believe to be a good thing? Think about it.

Would you want to be vaccinated for chicken pox every year of your life? One would think there would be some adverse effects from too much vaccination. Reports show that most of the illnesses that veterinarians deal with on a daily basis have roots in over-vaccination. Homeopathy has a term for this: Vaccinosis.

In Celeste Yarnall's book Cat Care, Naturally, Dr. Jeff Levy, DVM explains the evolution of new diseases that stem from vaccinosis: "I believe that feline leukemia evolved because of vaccination for panleukopenia. Then with the vaccination for feline leukemia, the cat just came up with a different disease, FIV (Feline AIDS).

You can see this in vaccinated cats that later turn up with all the symptoms of feline leukemia but still test negative. The disease is coming from the cat, and each subsequent incarnation that is necessitated by vaccination."

Allopathic medicine and the greed of the pharmaceutical industry are as harmful to our pets as it is to us. The same companies who are selling the vaccines fund the schools that are training new veterinarians. Only a handful of veterinarians are brave enough to dare to step outside those boundaries and practice holistic medicine on animals.

Over the years, humans have suffered as well from over-vaccination. Leukemia, multiple sclerosis, lupus, and many other diseases are a result of the negative effects of vaccination.

Yarnell also quotes studies of the smallpox vaccine in humans as having been harmful. She claims, "Smallpox (along with other infectious diseases, including diphtheria and scarlet fever) declined with sanitation reforms instituted in the latter half of the nineteenth century.

Government health records from all over the world showed that, during the most intensive periods of vaccination, the incidence and death rate attributed to smallpox increased, though these statistics were actually on the decline when vaccination began."

So what are we as pet owners supposed to do? Rely on your veterinarian's advice regarding cat health because veterinarians are the professionals and should know what they're doing. If your cat is an indoor cat, then you may be safe in only getting the initial shots when your cat is a kitten.

If your cat is an outdoor cat and encounters other cats often, then you might consider a little more protection. Alternatively, you could find a veterinarian who practices holistic medicine and find out what alternatives are available to help your cat live a healthier and longer life.

Mike Selvon owns a number of niche portal. Please visit our cats portal for more great tips on cat health dangers when vaccinated, and leave a comment at our cats blog.

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Cat - Love Illegal Aliens as You Would a Neighborhood Dog Who Killed Your Cat

Love thy neighbor, embrace illegal aliens and illegal immigrants and give us your poor; hey, wait a minute not so fast. Some citizens of the United States of America decry the 24 million illegal aliens who entered our country by sneaking in.

Many Americans are upset that 33 percent of all violent criminals in federal prisons are illegal aliens. Many people are rather miffed by the fact that we have illegal aliens and illegal immigrants are now marching in our streets in protests. We are told that we must love illegal aliens and treat them with respect as if they were American citizens. Why, they disrespect everything we are about and violate our laws.

Well, all respect from me with right out the window, as I watched the illegal immigrants carrying U.S. flags upside down and marching in our streets in protests, while chanting anti-American slogans in Spanish. The illegal aliens and illegal immigrants who have no right to be in our country also have no rights to free speech or free gathering to protest our government, my country or tell us how to run the United States of America. One American said today at a coffee shop

"If we wanted a Shet-hole like Mexico, we would have created that. Frankly, we were looking for something a little more than that and so we have built the greatest single civilization ever created in the history the human species and we are not about to turn the United States of America into a little Mexico. Get a life. Sure, I love illegal aliens as much as I love the neighborhood dog that broke through my fence and killed my grandmother's cat. Don't tell me how to run my country; we are doing just fine, why not go fix your own country." Mr. M. Caldwell. Perhaps we might consider this in 2006.

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